What Helix can do for your business?
A trusted business partner
Coming from a retail background we work hard to make every site a reference site and follow the retail philosophy of charging for adding value not fixing issues.
Specialised to your core business
The world is moving to specialised software due to the cost and complexity of accounting and ERP systems. Choosing software specialised to the front end of your business provides a significant competitive advantage as demonstrated by our client list.
Smart reporting
Take control of your reporting. Helix provides employees with access to live data at your chosen security and costing levels. View and track your companies performance and KPI's in real time. Generate pivot tables and spreadsheets on demand or use the Report Scheduler to automate delivery of key reporting direct to the user via email.
Smart customer management
Helix helps your employees exceed customer expectations, building customer loyalty and employee satisfaction. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a core Helix function integrated right through to the transaction level.
Smart people counting
Helix integrates people counting door cameras with sales conversion and sales measures reporting so that you can gauge the performance of your stores, identify issues and trends, manage rosters and evaluate promotions.
Real world consulting
Gain the maximum competitive advantage from Helix, learn about and request new features by working closely with your Helix consultant who has retail management experience.